Success Stories

This proofs that our strategies work well

proyecto de gobalo

Chicago Bears, carrying out an international project in Spain

  • Social Media

Chicago Bears is one of the National Football League (NFL) franchises with the longest history.

Their presence in the United States is very relevant and among their merits as a team is having won in 1986 the most prized title in this sport: the Super Bowl ring.

International objectives

The Chicago Bears are part of a worldwide NFL project with a medium-long term projection and whose first steps are currently being taken. Since January 2022, the main objective of the project is to promote a sport (football) with very little notoriety in Spain and, in this case, the Chicago Bears in particular.

Results are evident

  • Creation of two new social media channels (Twitter and Instagram) with a growing mass of more than 8,000 followers (10 months).

  • Very outstanding main KPIs, achieving more than 38K impressions and more than 3K interactions per week.

proyecto de gobalo
proyecto de gobalo

Strategy tailored to the target audience

Still in its initial phase, the project has already taken giant steps in its start-up and implementation. Two new social channels have been created (Instagram and Twitter) through which, in parallel to its solid fan base in continuous growth, lines of content are being generated with different purposes: didactic, dissemination of current events, transmission of franchise values, knowledge of other faces of the sport, etc. All of this in search of a constant balance that must resolve an added complexity: continuity and coherence with the main channels (USA) but at the same time differentiation and adaptation to a new market (Spain), with all that this entails.

proyecto de gobalo

What makes this project special?

This project is special for many reasons, among them the close daily collaboration with the client: a department formed by more than 15 people in Chicago, Illinois. The adaptability of both teams, the sharing of work methodologies and the efforts made to make the content adaptable to the Spanish public, make this project a very enriching one in every way.